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Jane Murray Agee - 03-07-2012
Hi everyone,
It's been great to see what you are doing nearly 50 years after graduation! It's also been sad to see how many dear friends have passed away. I wish I could be at the reunion in June, but I am going to be in Istanbul, Turkey in early June. It's a trip that's been in the works for a while, and I am excited about seeing such a historic place. Former doctoral students who are going to be in Turkey over the summer are going to be my guides. I do plan to get to Savannah to visit with family later in the summer. If anyone would like to get together, please let me know.
Jane Fran Smith Christie - 02-07-2012
Thanks to all of you who have contributed to this website and those that have worked so hard for all of our reunions!! Looking forward to seeing you in June!!! Jimmy Traver - 01-23-2012
See ya'll in June! Sue Scudder Schmidt - 11-24-2011
I'm still in the dark ages...haven't gotten a computer yet! But I can be reached through my daughter's email here! Hope yall can all make it to the reunion! See you there! Helen Heidt Marshall - 11-08-2011
What fun our 50th will be! Great web site. My dear friend, MaryAnn Bruen Coates(no Senior picture in annual as she did not like the pics!) died in September after a three year bout with cancer. Lu Register Hostetter, Kaye White Barton(,SHS 61), and I went to Frederick,Maryland for MaryAnn's memorial service.MaryAnn taught Art at Hood College and later became a well known and respected interior designer.She was hoping to attend the 50th. She always asked about Marvin Longwater and Robert Weil!Fun times! William Andrew Eyler III - 11-01-2011
Just wanted to look and see what I've been missing. I plan on attending the 50th class reunion next June. This will also give you'all my email address which will help me keep informed. Carolyn Perkins Wynn - 10-31-2011
Nice job on the website. Hope to be able to attend. Gail Drake Henderson - 10-23-2011
Just wanted to say that this website is awesome. Thanks to all who have contributed. The website really is great! Linnie Gilchrist Futrell - 10-16-2011
Bill and I live on the Florida Panhandle and hope to be able to be with you'll at the reunion. Earl C. Faulkner - 10-03-2011
Been waiting to get a 50th Class reunion of '62 notification. Looking forward to this event in June. Thanks! Simone Broome Wilker - 10-01-2011
Thank you for this website. I was so sad to see how many people in our class have passed away. But I plan on being at the 50th reunion next June! Welda Hodges Stewart - 09-24-2011
Thanks for all that you have done to make this web site! Jimmy Curry - 09-19-2011
Thanks for all your efforts on this Website. Bill Bonner - 08-22-2011
Ditto Kenny Young's comments! Kenny Young - 08-19-2011
Rick, thank you Dianne Hendry Brown and Charles Varner so much for all the great work you guys have done on this Website!!
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